Building resilience among
frontline workers’

A collaborative fund to build resilience among frontline workers’ organizations leading efforts at the intersection of labor rights, democracy, and a just transition.

Building resilience among
frontline workers’

A collaborative fund to build resilience among frontline workers’ organizations leading efforts at the intersection of labor rights, democracy, and a just transition.

Democracy at Work Fund:
A Solidarity Fund for Workers on the Frontlines.

The Democracy at Work Fund pools support from multiple funders to deliver strategic investments in Asia, Africa, and Latin America aimed at building resilience and strengthening the capacity of workers’ organizations as part of a just, equitable and inclusive transition. The Fund prioritizes efforts led directly by workers in the informal economy, by women and migrant-led organizations, as well as efforts at the intersection of workers’ rights, gender justice, racial justice, and climate justice.

The total amount of the fund will be distributed in awards ranging

from $10,000 to $100,000 per applicant to support worker-led efforts in the following areas:

Bolstering capacity to ensure physical and digital security

Power-building work to improve working conditions and to defend core enabling rights to organize, associate and bargain collectively

Responding to legal threats and building legal security

The deadline to apply for this opportunity is
January 31st, 2024, at 23:59 hours CST.

February 12th, 2024, at 23:59 hours CST

You can download the call for proposals in the following languages:


The Democracy at Work Fund is funded by FORGE, the Ford Foundation, the Open Society Foundations and Laudes Foundation, and is operated by Fundación Avina. If you are a funder interested in supporting this initiative, please write to Elizabeth Frantz and Diana Figueroa

Apply Now

Application Process Steps

1. Download the application template in your preferred language:


2. Complete the template with your proposal in Word.

3. Send your proposal format as a PDF document to the following e-mail address:*

*Only proposals delivered to this address will be considered*

Apply Now

Application Process Steps

1. Download the application template in your preferred language:

2. Complete the template with your proposal in Word.

3. Send your proposal format as a PDF document to the following e-mail address:*

*Only proposals delivered to this address will be considered*

Do You Need Help?

For inquiries related to the application process or problems with the platform, please contact: Diana Figueroa (